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Useful Links and Information

Welcome to the Isle of Wight PA Information Centre. A page created to support both PA’s and Individuals on the PA Noticeboard. Please see below guides, links and advice with the information that you need when hiring a PA or when looking for work as a PA. The IW PA Market Team can be contacted on [email protected] for any further questions you may have.

Information Centre for Individuals Employing a Personal Assistant

PAYE Contract of Employment – Employing a PA? Find a template employment contract here

Useful templates when employing your own Personal Assistant

Direct Payment Factsheet  A Direct Payment is funding that an individual may receive from Adult Social Care to pay towards there PA support. Find out more about Direct Payments by visiting the factsheet. The Isle of Wight ASC Direct Payment Support Service can be contacted on:  [email protected]

PA Policy – The policy provides information, advice and signposts anyone wishing to employ a PA.

Information Centre for Personal Assistants in Care

Enterprise Allowance Scheme – The Enterprise Allowance Scheme could give you money and support to help you start your own business as a Personal Assistant in Care. Speak to your Jobcentre Plus work coach – they will explain how NEA (New Enterprise Allowance) could help you. They will also tell you about the support volunteer business mentors offer in the early months of trading. You will receive £65.00 for the first 13 weeks and then the second block of 13 weeks will be £33.00. This is Tax and National Insurance free.

A guide to Becoming a Personal Assistant in Care  – We have developed this guide which sets out the steps for becoming a PA.

Code of Conduct for PA’s – Click here to read our Code of Conduct for Personal Assistants in Care, all PA’s on the Noticeboard will need to sign and copy of our Code of Conduct before they are able to apply for work through the Noticeboard.

Direct Payment Factsheet – A Direct Payment is funding that an individual may receive from Adult Social Care to pay towards there PA support. Find out more about Direct Payments by visiting the factsheet. The Isle of Wight ASC Direct Payment Support Service can be contacted on:  [email protected]

Self-employed registration – HMRC – If you are not currently self-employed but wish to be, please visit here, in order to register and obtain a Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number.

PA/carer Policy -The PA noticeboard ensures people have information and advice to become PAs who in turn provide quality care and support for the people they service.


Skills For Care have a whole host of resources to help support your role as a Personal Assistant in Care.

Information Hub Visit the Skills for Care Information Hub to view resources on training and managing your role with your employer.

Telephone: 0113 245 1716

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

ASC contact list

If there are concerns relating to an individual’s care including safeguarding concerns, please contact the relevant team.

Contact List can be found here

Additional information

Have you thought about becoming a Shared Lives Carer?

Find out more here