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PA Introduction Sessions  

The PA Market Team are offering Accredited and Newly registered PA’s weekly introduction sessions and recruitment events. Please contact the PA Market Team to attend a 1:1 support session on [email protected]

Events & Activities in your local area

Find local events and activities that welcome individuals with health and social care needs but also include their Personal Assistants, friends, family and other people in the community.

West and Central Wight 


Event/Activity Date and Time Location 
Cowes Library Drop in Café
Every 2nd Friday of the month
Cowes Library
Cowes Library Games Club
1st and 3rd Monday 10am – 12pm
Cowes Library
Knit and Natter
First Thursday 10AM – 12PM
& Third Thursday 2PM – 4PM

of every month

Lord Louis Library
Tea and chat for the over 60s
Every other Monday
10:30AM – 12:00PM
Lord Louis Library
Alzheimer Café
Please see the website
Various locations
Epilepsy Community Café
First Thursday of  every month 6:30PM
Richmond’s Café, Cowes



Northeast Wight 


Event/Activity                           Date and time                      Location

Dementia Lunch Club         Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday        St Helens Community Centre
                                                   11:30am – 14:30pm

Musical Tea                        Wednesday 24th August,               Ryde Library                                                                 2pm – 3:30pm.

Audio Book Group             First Friday of the month                 Ryde Library                                                                       11am

Alzheimer Café                   Please see the website                 East Cowes, Ryde



South Wight


Event/Activity                         Date and time                      Location

Better Days Café 64 High Street, Ventnor, PO38 1LT
Sandown Alzheimer Cafe 4th Wednesday of the month 2pm — 4pm The Broadway Centre, 1 Broadway, Sandown, PO36 9GG
Dance Makers Thursday, 1:30- 2:30pm Sandown Libary